会食ルール化、一転見送り 批判続出で与野党―新型コロナ
Japan Parties to Forgo Making Rules on Lawmakers' Group Dining
Japanese ruling and opposition parties are set to forgo making rules on lawmakers' group dining amid the resurging novel coronavirus.
Parliamentary affairs heads of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and the largest opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan agreed Wednesday to speed up talks on such rules in line with the government's fresh state of emergency in Tokyo and three neighboring prefectures over the epidemic.
But the momentum fizzled out soon, after they encountered a barrage of criticism on the internet, with some saying, "Do lawmakers need rules in order to refrain from group dining?"
On Thursday, ruling and opposition lawmakers discussed drawing up group dining rules at a board meeting of the steering committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
Members of the CDP and other opposition parties called for agreement on refraining from dining in groups. LDP lawmakers voiced opposition, saying that each lawmaker should act on his or her own accord. Concluding the meeting, the LDP's Tsuyoshi Takagi, head of the steering committee, said, "Lawmakers should act by themselves with a sense of responsibility."