2019.09.06 14:40Nation



2019.09.06 14:40Nation

Hitachi Ordered to Improve Biz over Foreign Trainees

Hitachi Ltd. received a business improvement order from Japanese authorities Friday for its illegal treatment of foreign trainees.
   The labor ministry and the Immigration Services Agency said the electronics giant violated the law for the optimization of technical intern training programs by making foreign trainees work for unauthorized purposes.
   Hitachi took a tougher measure than the recommendations and instructions given to the company and group companies in March.
   Business operators that accept technical trainees from abroad are required to draw up a training plan for each trainee and get certification from the state-affiliated Organization for Technical Intern Training.
   In training plans submitted to the organization, Hitachi said trainees would assemble switchboards and control panels. But in reality, the trainees made window frames for Shinkansen bullet trains.


