2021.01.01 00:14Nation

コロナ対策に決意 「命と暮らし守り抜く」―菅首相年頭所感


2021.01.01 00:14Nation

Suga Vows to Protect People's Lives amid Pandemic

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, in his New Year's message, pledged to protect the lives and livelihoods of the citizens amid the coronavirus pandemic.
   The Suga cabinet "will continue to do everything in our power to prevent the spread of infections and move toward economic recovery," the prime minister said in the message released on Friday. "We will, together with you, overcome this unprecedented national crisis and create a new society for the post-coronavirus era."
   Suga also vowed to advance preparations for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in summer 2021 so that the games can be held in a safe and secure manner.
   In addition, Suga said "green" and "digital" will be the sources of new growth for Japan. "We will dramatically change our economy and society and lead the next era," by carrying out all necessary reforms, he added.


