2020.12.24 18:13Nation

黒川元検事長「起訴相当」 賭けマージャン問題で検察審―東京地検が再捜査へ

 東京地検の山元裕史次席検事の話 議決については真摯に受け止める。内容を精査し、所要の捜査を行った上、適切に対処したい。(2020/12/24-18:13)

2020.12.24 18:13Nation

Ex-Top Tokyo Prosecutor to Be Reinvestigated over Gambling

A panel of citizens has ruled that Hiromu Kurokawa, former chief of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, should be indicted over the gambling scandal he was embroiled in, meaning that he will be reinvestigated.
   The Tokyo No. 6 Committee for the Inquest of Prosecution concluded that Kurokawa, 63, should face trial because "in his position he was meant to stop such illegal acts, and the influence of his involvement in mahjong for money on society is big." The ruling was issued on Dec. 8.
   Following the panel's ruling, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office will reinvestigate the case and make a decision again on whether to charge Kurokawa. In July, the office decided not to indict Kurokawa.
   If the prosecution again decides not to indict Kurokawa, and the panel then rules for the second time that he should be indicted, the former superintending prosecutor of the office will be charged forcibly.
   Kurokawa escaped indictment after being accused of playing mahjong for money with three others--employees of The Asahi Shimbun and Sankei Shimbun, both major Japanese daily publishers--in April and May, when Japan was under a state of emergency issued by the government over the novel coronavirus epidemic.


