2020.12.24 11:48Nation

妊娠届5.1%減 1~10月、コロナ影響も―厚労省


2020.12.24 11:48Nation

Pregnancy Notifications Down 5.1 Pct in Jan.-Oct. in Japan

The number of pregnancy notifications submitted to municipalities across Japan in January-October fell 5.1 pct from a year earlier to 727,219, the health ministry said Thursday.
   The ministry plans to analyze the background of the decrease, seeing that the coronavirus pandemic may have forced some couples to put off submitting such notifications or even having children.
   On a monthly basis, the number of pregnancy notifications in May, when a state of emergency over the virus was declared by the Japanese government, dropped 17.6 pct from a year before, the largest fall during the 10-month period through October.
   As the pace of year-on-year decline in the monthly total slowed to levels between 1.0 pct and 6.6 pct from August to October, a ministry official said, "We believe the number of pregnancies has recovered to come within the scope of natural declines."
   The ministry encourages couples having babies to submit notifications to local municipalities by the 11th week of pregnancy so that they can receive health care and other related services appropriately. One notification is submitted for each pregnancy, even for a multiple pregnancy.


