2020.12.23 17:46Nation

案里被告、来年1月21日判決 弁護側が無罪訴え結審―東京地裁


2020.12.23 17:46Nation

Ruling for Anri Kawai's Vote-Buying Case Set for Jan. 21

Tokyo District Court is set to hand down a ruling on House of Councillors member Anri Kawai, who has been indicted on vote-buying charges, on Jan. 21.
   In its final argument at the court on Wednesday, Kawai's side again proclaimed the innocence of the 47-year-old lawmaker, who has been charged with buying votes in the July 2019 Upper House election in violation of the public offices election law.
   Kawai "didn't give money to buy votes," the defendant's side said. The cash was given to Hiroshima Prefectural assembly members who had close friendships with her, in order to "encourage them during their campaigns or congratulate those who were elected," it said.
   She has been charged with conspiring with her husband, House of Representatives lawmaker and former Justice Minister Katsuyuki Kawai, from March to June 2019 to request votes and vote-gathering from five people for her campaign.
   She allegedly gave a total of 1.7 million yen in cash to the five, who include four prefectural assembly members.


