2020.12.23 07:16Nation

2050年、再エネ5~6割 脱炭素へ議論本格化―経産省


2020.12.23 07:16Nation

Japan Eyes Raising Share of Renewable Power to 50-60 Pct

Japan's industry ministry has presented a proposal to raise the proportion of power generated from renewable energy sources to 50-60 pct of the country' total electricity by 2050.
   The proposal was unveiled at a meeting of a subgroup of the ministry's Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy on Monday, as full-scale discussions have begun for revising Japan's basic energy plan as early as next year.
   The ministry hopes that the ambitious proposal will help build the momentum for realizing the government's goal to reduce the country's greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero in 2050, by boosting offshore wind power generation, for example.
   Observers say, however, that there remain many issues to be solved for achieving such a decarbonized society.
   The ministry plans to rely on thermal power plants, which use fossil fuels, as well as nuclear power plants to cover 30-40 pct of the total electricity.


