米警察、人違いで裸の黒人女性に手錠 動画公開で批判広がる
動画は警察のボディーカメラで2019年2月21日に撮影されたが、最近になって初めて公開された。地元テレビ局CBS 2が放送した動画には、警官らが金属棒を使ってアパートのドアを突き破り、居間に裸で立っているアンジャネット・ヤングさん(50)に手錠をかける様子が捉えられている。
ヤングさんはCBS 2に対し、警察が突入した時には仕事を終えて帰宅したばかりで、寝室で着替えている最中だったと説明した。警察はやがて住所を間違えたと判断し、その場を去った。警官1人はヤングさんに謝罪し、他の警官らは壊れたドアを直そうとした。
CBS 2によると、警察が追っていた容疑者は同じ敷地内のアパートに住んでいたが、情報提供者が警察に誤った住所を伝えていた。
ヤングさんは警察を提訴。代理人を務める弁護士のキーナン・ソールター氏はCBS 2に対し、若い白人女性ならば同じ扱いを受けることはなかっただろうと指摘し、警察が「ヤングさんを人間以下とみなした」と批判した。
Naked handcuffing of innocent Black woman sparks outrage in Chicago
The authorities in the US city of Chicago are coming under fire after a video was released of police handcuffing a naked Black woman after raiding her home in a case of mistaken identity.
The police raid took place on February 21, 2019 but the disturbing video was only released recently.
Police body cameras show officers using a battering ram to break down the door of the home of Anjanette Young and putting the 50-year-old social worker in handcuffs while she stands naked in her living room.
What is going on? a terrified Young is heard telling police in the video aired by CBS 2 Chicago. What are you looking for?
You've got the wrong house, Young repeatedly tells officers.
Oh my god, this cannot be right, she says. How is this legal?
Young told the television network that she had just returned from work and was undressing in her bedroom when police broke in.
It happened so fast I didn't have time to put on clothes, she said. I'm just standing there terrified, humiliated.
Police eventually left after determining they had the wrong address. One officer apologized to Young while others tried to fix her broken door.
According to CBS 2, the suspect the police were searching for lived in the same apartment complex and an informant had provided them with the wrong address.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot told reporters she was appalled after viewing the video and described the raid as a colossal failure.
That could have easily been me, said Lightfoot, who is African American.
We can do better and we will do better as a city, she said.
City attorneys had sought to block the release of the video and Lightfoot said she had ordered a review of the release policy.
Young's attorney, Keenan Saulter, who is filing a suit against the police department, said a young white woman would not have received the same treatment.
They viewed Miss Young as less than human, Saulter told CBS 2.
Young's case has been compared to that of Breonna Taylor, a young Black woman who was shot dead in Louisville, Kentucky, in March in a botched raid on her home.
Taylor's name became a rallying cry during protests against racial injustice this summer following the death of George Floyd, a Black man killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis in May.