2020.12.14 12:57Nation

時短要請、大阪市全域に拡大 期間も29日まで延長―吉村知事


2020.12.14 12:57Nation

Eateries in Entire City of Osaka to Be Asked to Close Early

Osaka Prefecture is considering asking eating and drinking establishments in all areas of the city of Osaka to close by 9 p.m. amid a rapid spread of the novel coronavirus, Hirofumi Yoshimura, governor of the western Japan prefecture, said Monday.
   The request is now covering facilities in Kita and Chuo wards in the capital of the prefecture.
   The prefectural government also plans to extend the request until Dec. 29, Yoshimura told reporters. The request is currently scheduled to end on Tuesday.
   Yoshimura said: "As hospital beds for seriously ill coronavirus patients are increasingly occupied, we should make a stronger request in order to prevent the spread of infection. The scope of the request should be expanded to cover the entire city of Osaka."
   According to the prefectural government, the occupancy rate of beds for coronavirus patients in severe condition in the prefecture stood at 76.7 pct as of Sunday.


