2020.12.14 16:24Nation

今年の漢字「密」 コロナ下の生活反映―京都・清水寺


2020.12.14 16:24Nation

"Mitsu" Selected as 2020 Kanji of the Year

"Mitsu," a kanji Chinese character used in the three "mitsu" of closed and crowded settings involving close contact that experts say should be avoided to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, was chosen as kanji of the year on Monday.
   The character was written in calligraphy at Kiyomizu-dera, a famous Buddhist temple in the western Japan city of Kyoto, by chief monk Seihan Mori the same day.
   The selection of the kanji reflected the steps many people took to prevent coronavirus infections, as well as increased closeness among friends who live far away thanks to greater opportunities to meet virtually.
   Mitsu is the 26th kanji selected in the annual poll of the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation. The character received the most votes in a poll conducted by mail and online from November.
   The calligraphic work will be shown to the public at the temple until Dec. 23 and at the Japan Kanji Museum & Library in Kyoto from the following day.


