GoTo、広島市除外検討 イート食事券は新規一時停止―広島県
広島県の湯崎英彦知事は11日、新型コロナウイルスの感染が広島市で急拡大しているため、観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」について、同市発着分の除外を国に要請することを検討していると明らかにした。
外食需要喚起策「Go To イート」のプレミアム付き食事券については、12日から2021年1月3日まで県内全域で新規販売を停止する。既に発行された分も広島市内での利用自粛を求める。市中心部の飲食店には、12月17日から酒類提供時間の短縮を要請する方針だ。市民に対し年末年始の市外への帰省自粛も呼び掛ける。(2020/12/11-23:15)
City of Hiroshima May Be Removed from "Go To Travel"
Hiroshima Prefecture is considering asking the central government to exclude trips to and from the city of Hiroshima from its Go To Travel tourism promotion campaign due to a surge in novel coronavirus infections in the city, Hidehiko Yuzaki, governor of the western Japan prefecture, said Friday.
As another measure to prevent a further spread of the virus, sales of premium meal vouchers under the state's Go To Eat program, aimed at spurring demand for dining out, will be suspended throughout the prefecture between Saturday and Jan. 3, 2021. The prefecture will ask residents to refrain from using meal vouchers already issued at eateries in the city of Hiroshima, the prefecture's capital.
Eating and drinking establishments in the heart of the city will be requested to shorten the hours in which they serve alcoholic beverages from Thursday, while residents of the city will be asked to avoid making trips to their hometowns during the year-end and New Year holiday period.
In the city, the number of new infection cases per population of 100,000 in the past week topped 23 to near "25 or more," a condition used to determine whether the coronavirus situation has entered Stage 4, the worst level on the four-tier scale to measure the degree of the spread of the virus.
Following the rapid spread of infections, the Hiroshima municipal government decided Friday to temporarily close 45 facilities in the city, including the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, which exhibits items from the U.S. atomic bombing of the city on Aug. 6, 1945, in the closing days of World War II.