2020.12.11 19:22Nation

コメディアンの小松政夫さん死去 「しらけ鳥音頭」で一世風靡―78歳

 俳優としても存在感を示し、テレビドラマ「前略おふくろ様」や「北の国から」、映画「駅 STATION」などに出演。イッセー尾形さんとの2人芝居など舞台でも活躍した。2011年には10代目の日本喜劇人協会会長に就任した。

2020.12.11 19:22Nation

Japanese Comedian Masao Komatsu Dies at 78

Prominent Japanese comedian and actor Masao Komatsu, known for comedy song "Shirakedori Ondo," died of hepatocellular cancer at a Tokyo hospital on Monday. He was 78.
   Komatsu, real name Masaomi Matsuzaki, was born in the southwestern Japan city of Fukuoka. He moved to Tokyo to become an actor after graduating from high school.
   He became an assistant to Hitoshi Ueki, a member of the popular band and comedy group The Crazy Cats in 1963. After making his debut in the entertainment industry later, he appeared on the television show "Shabondama Holiday."
   Komatsu became a household name in the 1970s after appearing on a TV show with popular comedian Shiro Ito as well as through skits such as "Komatsu no Oyabun-san."
   He also attracted wide popularity after releasing humorous songs such as "Densen Ondo" and "Shirakedori Ondo."


