2020.12.11 12:51Nation

感染拡大地域、GoTo停止を 政府分科会が提言へ―新型コロナ

 政府の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策分科会(会長・尾身茂地域医療機能推進機構理事長)は11日午前、東京都内で会合を開いた。国内の新規感染者数が過去最高水準で推移していることを受け、感染拡大地域での観光支援策「Go To トラベル」などを一時停止すべきだとの見解で一致した。こうした内容を盛り込んだ提言をまとめる。政府は近く対策本部を開き、対応を協議する。

2020.12.11 12:51Nation

Experts Want Go To Travel Halt for Hard-Hit Areas

A panel of experts agreed Friday that the Japanese government should suspend its Go To Travel tourism promotion program for areas where novel coronavirus infections are spreading widely.
   The panel on coronavirus countermeasures, headed by Shigeru Omi, chief of the government-affiliated Japan Community Health Care Organization, will draw up a proposal including the request for temporary suspensions of the campaign for some areas, as the number of new infection cases in the country has been staying at record-high levels.
   The government will hold a meeting of its coronavirus task force soon to discuss its responses.
   At the beginning of the experts' panel meeting, economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, who is in charge of the central government's coronavirus responses, said, "We need to avoid at all costs putting further strain on medical care systems in areas where infections are spreading."
   The panel divided the areas where the coronavirus situation is in Stage 3, the second-worst level on the four-tier scale gauging the degree of the spread of the virus, into three categories.


