2020.12.10 22:07Nation

横田基地騒音訴訟、賠償確定 飛行差し止めは認めず―最高裁


2020.12.10 22:07Nation

Damages Ruling Fixed in Yokota Base Noise Suit

Japan's Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal against a high court ruling that ordered the state to pay damages over aircraft noise pollution near the U.S. military's Yokota base in western Tokyo while rejecting plaintiffs' demand for flight suspension.
   The decision was made Wednesday by the top court's Second Petty Bench, presided over by Justice Hiroyuki Kanno.
   This means that the ruling by Tokyo High Court ordering the Japanese government to pay a total of some 768 million yen in damages over noise pollution to some residents living near the Yokota base and the court's rejection of the residents' petition to suspend late-night and early-morning flights have been finalized.
   In October 2017, Tokyo District Court's Tachikawa branch said that the aircraft noise caused interruptions to people's daily lives and that the government failed to take effective measures to prevent such noise pollution.
   The district court ordered the government to pay damages of some 618 million yen in total over past noise pollution to residents living in areas where aircraft noise levels register 75 or higher on the weighted equivalent continuous perceived noise level, or WECPNL, an internationally recognized measure of aircraft noise.


