2020.12.10 20:01Nation

シャンシャン返還、来年5月に 両親も5年延長―東京・上野動物園


2020.12.10 20:01Nation

Giant Panda Xiang Xiang to Stay in Tokyo until End-May 2021

The Tokyo metropolitan government has agreed with China to extend a stay by female giant panda Xiang Xiang at Ueno Zoo until the end of May 2021, Governor Yuriko Koike said Thursday.
   The two sides also agreed to extend stays by Ri Ri, Xiang Xiang's father, and Shin Shin, her mother, for five years.
   Xiang Xiang was to be returned to China at the end of this month, and her parents by February 2021.
   China agreed to let the panda family stay at the Tokyo zoo longer partly because direct flights between Tokyo and the Chinese city of Chengdu, which has a major giant panda conservation facility, are being suspended due to the novel coronavirus outbreak.
   "We've reached the judgment through comprehensive examination as travel by Japanese and Chinese experts supporting panda transportation is difficult," Koike said.


