2020.11.20 19:00Business

10月コンビニ売上高、4.3%減 8カ月連続減、前年はポイント還元

 商品別では、弁当や総菜など日配食品が6.2%減、加工食品も7.4%減と振るわなかった。サービス関連は飲食店支援策「Go To イート」に伴うプレミアム付き食事券の発券などで40.1%増と大きく伸びた。ただ、売り上げ全体に占める割合は小さく、効果は限定的だった。(2020/11/20-19:00)

2020.11.20 19:00Business

Japan Convenience Store Sales Down 4.3 Pct in Oct.

Sales at convenience stores in Japan in October fell 4.3 pct from a year earlier to 873.1 billion yen on a same-store basis, down for the eighth consecutive month, the Japan Franchise Association said Friday.
   The sales drop came on the heels of the preceding month's rush demand ahead of a tobacco tax hike, as well as a year-before rise in sales following the start of a nationwide reward point program for cashless payments, a step intended to ease the pain of the consumption tax hike in October 2019.


