2020.11.18 12:06World eye


【ロンドンAFP=時事】第2次世界大戦時に英首相を務めたウィンストン・チャーチルが描いた絵が16日、ロンドンで競売にかけられ、98万3000ポンド(約1億3500万円)で落札された。(写真はウィンストン・チャーチル元英首相の絵画「Jug with Bottles」。英ロンドンにあるサザビーズのオークションハウスで)
 静物画「Jug with Bottles(水差しと瓶)」に描かれているのは、ジョニーウォーカーのブラックラベルのボトルとブランデーのボトル、水差しとグラス。予想価格の約5倍で落札され、チャーチルが描いた絵画としては過去最高額となった。
2020.11.18 12:06World eye

A rare painting by Winston Churchill featuring the famously bibulous British World War II leader's favourite brand of whisky fetched nearly 1 million at auction in London on Tuesday.
The 1930s oil painting, of a bottle of Johnny Walker's Black label whisky and a bottle of brandy with a jug and glasses, sparked a bidding battle before it sold for 983,000 ($1.3 million, 1.1 million euros).
The sale, at a Sotheby's online auction of modern and post-war British art, was around five times above pre-sale estimates and among the highest ever reached under the hammer for a Churchill painting.
The war-time leader, who was a keen amateur artist, created the still life work -- entitled Jug with Bottles -- in the 1930s at his country house Chartwell, in Kent, southeast England.
It reflected his fondness for the Johnny Walker blend, which he often drank first thing in the morning with soda water, according to Sotheby's.
He later gave it to the American businessman W. Averell Harriman, who acted as US special envoy to Europe in the 1940s.
Harriman was photographed sitting between Churchill and Stalin in Moscow in 1942, and the gift of the painting suggests he shared convivial drams with Churchill.
The famous politician would give paintings to like-minded people, said Simon Hucker, co-head of modern and post-war British art at Sotheby's, ahead of the auction.
It is unclear whether Churchill knew that Pamela Churchill, the wife of his son Randolph, was having an affair with Harriman during this period, The Times newspaper has reported.
Pamela Churchill married Harriman decades later in the 1970s and the painting was sold following her death in 1997.
It was back on sale on Tuesday after the deaths of the later owners, US collectors Barbara and Ira Lipman.
A similar work by Churchill, featuring a collection of bottles and called Bottlescape, still hangs at Chartwell.


