2020.11.12 18:19Nation

イベント制限、来年2月まで継続 コロナ対策「強い措置も」―政府

 尾身氏は会合後に記者会見し、感染者が急増する状況である「ステージ3」に該当すると判断すれば「『Go Toキャンペーン』は当然停止だ」と明言。西村氏は「大きな流行が来つつあることは間違いない」との認識を示した。

2020.11.12 18:19Nation

Japan to Keep Restrictions on Events until Feb. Next Year

A Japanese government subcommittee on countermeasures against the novel coronavirus decided Thursday to keep in place the current attendance restrictions on large events until around the end of February next year.
   "There has been a noticeable increase in the number of infection cases" around the country, economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, who is in charge of the government's coronavirus responses, said at the day's meeting of the subcommittee held in Tokyo.
   The minister also said, "If this trend continues, we'll have to take stronger measures."
   The government has relaxed in stages its attendance restrictions on large events such as professional sports games.
   The upper limit of the number of spectators is currently set at 50 pct of the venue capacity. The government had indicated a plan to decide what to do with the limit from December and on after watching the extent of the spread of the virus.


