2020.11.02 18:41Nation

松井氏、代表辞任へ 後任に吉村氏有力―大阪維新


2020.11.02 18:41Nation

Matsui to Resign as Osaka Ishin Head after Referendum Defeat

Osaka Mayor Ichiro Matsui has decided to resign as head of Osaka Ishin no Kai, a regional party based in the western Japan city, within this month, following the party's referendum defeat on Sunday, informed sources said Monday.
   The party's next leader is likely to be its current acting leader, Hirofumi Yoshimura, governor of Osaka Prefecture, according to the sources.
   Meanwhile, Matsui is expected to stay on as head of Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party) for the time being.
   In the referendum, voters in the city of Osaka rejected by a slim majority an Osaka Ishin-backed plan to reorganize the city into special wards directly under the prefecture. The so-called Osaka metropolis plan was voted down for a second time, after a similar referendum in 2015.
   After the referendum result came out on Sunday night, Matsui suggested at a press conference that he will retire from politics when his current term as Osaka mayor expires in 2023.


