2020.10.29 18:00Nation

GoToイベント、30日開始 第1弾はUSJ、チケット2割引き―経産省

 経済産業省は29日、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大で打撃を受けたイベント需要の喚起策「Go To イベント」を活用した割引チケットの販売を30日に始めると発表した。第1弾の適用先としてユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン(USJ、大阪市)を選定。最も安い平日の場合、通常7800円の1日入場券(12歳以上)が2割引きで購入できる。
 USJは割引適用後に6240円となる入場券「Go To USJ 1デイ・」を発売。パスにはグッズなど園内で1500円分の購入費に充てられる独自のクーポンを付け、実質約3000円の値引きで誘客効果を高める狙いだ。チケット購入者は11月4日以降に来園できるが、購入済みや新規の年間パスポートは補助の対象外。
 Go To イベントは来年1月末までに開かれる映画や遊園地、スポーツ観戦などを対象に、チケット価格の2割相当額(上限2000円)を割り引いたり、クーポンなどの形で購入者に還元したりする。今月28日時点で約200のイベント事業者が登録を済ませており、適用対象になれば、順次購入可能となる。(2020/10/29-18:00)

2020.10.29 18:00Nation

Japan to Kick Off "Go To Event" Campaign on Fri.

The Japanese industry ministry said Thursday that sales of discount tickets using the government-sponsored Go To Event campaign, a relief measure over the novel coronavirus crisis, will start on Friday.
   At first, one-day passes for Universal Studios Japan in the western city of Osaka, usually priced at 7,800 yen per person aged 12 or over on a most affordable weekday, will go on sale at 6,240 yen after a discount of 20 pct, or 1,560 yen.
   In addition, the operator of USJ will give buyers of the discount pass special coupons worth 1,500 yen that can be used for goods purchases and other spending purposes in the movie theme park.
   The USJ operator aims to attract customers with the combined benefits of about 3,000 yen. The discount one-day pass can be used from next Wednesday. Passes that have already been purchased and annual passes are not eligible for the Go To Event campaign, to be in place until the end of January 2021.
   Under the campaign, designed to shore up demand for events, which has plummeted due to the coronavirus epidemic, the prices of tickets for movies, amusement parks and sports and other entertainment events will be reduced by 20 pct, for up to 2,000 yen, or part of the ticket costs will be returned to customers in the forms of coupons or other benefits.


