2020.10.19 18:54Nation

養殖場でエビ大量死 甲殻類の伝染病を初確認―沖縄県


2020.10.19 18:54Nation

Japan's 1st AHPND Case Found at Shrimp Farm in Okinawa

The Okinawa prefectural government confirmed Monday Japan's first outbreak of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease, or AHPND, at a whiteleg shrimp farm in the village of Ogimi.
   A majority of the 100,000 whiteleg shrimps raised at the farm have died, according to the southernmost Japan prefecture.
   AHPND, a contagious disease that affects crustaceans, does not spread to people. It is also safe to eat infected shrimps, according to the prefectural government.
   The farm imported some 100,000 shrimps from Thailand for the first time in August. A prefectural inspection on Oct. 8 found a large number of deaths and the shrimps have since tested positive for AHPND.
   The prefectural government ordered the farm to get rid of the rest of the shrimps and disinfect its pond.


