2020.10.08 19:24Nation

改憲原案、単独作成へ 起草委設置、年内目指す―自民


2020.10.08 19:24Nation

LDP to Draft Texts of Constitutional Clauses Alone

A panel at Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party plans to draft texts of clauses for a revised constitution alone, its new chief said Thursday, underscoring a shift away from its previous approach of seeking cooperation from the opposition side.
   The party's Headquarters for the Promotion of Revision of the Constitution will set up a committee to draft constitutional clauses, its new chairman, Seishiro Eto, said at an executive meeting of the panel.
   The LDP replaced the panel's leadership after Yoshihide Suga became president of the party and prime minister last month.
   Eto told reporters after the meeting that the LDP aims to present a draft proposal for constitutional revisions to parliament by the end of the year.
   In March 2018 under the leadership of Suga's predecessor, Shinzo Abe, the LDP drafted constitutional clauses on four issues, including the status of the Self-Defense Forces.


