2020.10.08 20:56Nation

携帯料金、コロナ禍で負担重く 下げ求める声相次ぐ―武田総務相が利用者意見聴取


2020.10.08 20:56Nation

Japanese Consumers Grumble about High Mobile Phone Costs

Japanese consumers complained about high mobile phone costs and called for reductions in service fees, at a meeting hosted by the communications ministry on Thursday.
   The meeting was organized as Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga is calling on mobile phone carriers to cut their service fees.
   The closed-door session was attended by members of the Association of Consumer Organizations and the Japan Association of Consumer Affairs Specialists, as well as representatives of groups for single mothers, elderly people and freelancers.
   One of the participants said that videos that are automatically delivered to mobile phones consume a large portion of data capacity, leading to a spike in bills, while another stated that those who fall behind on mobile phone bill payments could see their credibility damaged and face difficulties taking in loans in the future, according to the ministry.
   A different participant cited an increase in the share of mobile phone bills in total family spending due to the fallout of the novel coronavirus epidemic.


