2020.10.08 10:23Nation

GPS利用ストーカー、法改正の要否検討へ 最高裁判決受け・警察庁


2020.10.08 10:23Nation

Japan to Consider Whether to Revise Law over GPS Stalking

Japan's National Police Agency on Thursday decided to set up a panel of experts to discuss whether to revise a law to ban the use of GPS monitoring devices for stalking.
   The move was prompted by a Supreme Court ruling in July that the act of remote monitoring of targets using a GPS device does not constitute spying banned by the law against stalking.
   The panel will hold its first meeting Friday, which will be followed by around three more sessions. It is expected to release a report by the end of next January.
   The panel will have six members, including Kenichi Ino, who lost his daughter in 1999 stalking murder in Okegawa, Saitama Prefecture, that led to the creation of the law, and Akiko Kobayakawa, head of nonprofit organization Humanity, which supports stalking victims.
   An increasing number of stalkers are using small GPS devices to monitor activities of targets because such equipment has become available at low prices.


