2020.10.07 23:31Nation

国家公務員法、再提出先送り 通常国会で成立目指す―政府・与党


2020.10.07 23:31Nation

Japan to Defer Resubmission of Retirement Age Hike Bill

Japan's government and ruling bloc will give up the resubmission of a bill to raise national civil servants' retirement to an extraordinary parliamentary session seen to be convened on Oct. 26, government sources said Wednesday.
   They aim to make sure that the bill to revise the national civil service law to realize the retirement age hike to 65 in stages, as well as a bill to amend the Public Prosecutors Office law for raising prosecutors' retirement age, at next year's regular session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, slated to begin in January, the sources said.
   "At a time when the novel coronavirus epidemic is hurting people's lives, can we obtain public support for raising the retirement age for government employees?" a senior government official said, citing the reason for deferring the resubmission of the national civil service law amendment.
   The two bills were submitted to this year's regular Diet session, which ended in June. But they were scrapped amid criticism that the revision would retroactively justify the retirement age hike for Hiromu Kurokawa, then superintending prosecutor at the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, and make it possible for the prime minister's office to meddle in prosecutor appointments.
   The government and the Liberal Democratic Party-led ruling camp apparently believe that enacting the national civil service law amendment during the coming extraordinary Diet session is difficult in the current political landscape.


