2020.10.05 21:10Nation

岸田氏、麻生派・旧谷垣Gと合流目指す 「大宏池会」構想、懸念材料も


2020.10.05 21:10Nation

LDP Kishida Seeks to Merge His Group, 2 Factions with Kochikai Roots

Fumio Kishida, a heavyweight in Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said Monday that he aims to integrate his own LDP faction, known as Kochikai, and two other intraparty groups with their roots in Kochikai, which was created in 1957 by former Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda.
   "I will work hard at the forefront to create a large force of Kochikai," Kishida, former chairman of the LDP's Policy Research Council, told a party of his faction held in Tokyo. One of the two factions on his mind is led by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso, and the other was previously headed by former LDP Secretary-General Sadakazu Tanigaki.
   Kishida stressed his readiness to run in next year's LDP leadership election, saying, "I will brush up may policies and gather strength so that I can win the race."
   "I will consider what Kochikai should aim for after the reign of the administration of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga," he said, adding, "I aim to create a society in which people can feel united."
   Citing Kochikai's history of repeating splits, Kishida said: "Kochikai alone cannot change society. We need to create a larger political force."


