2020.09.30 09:33Nation

大関正代が誕生 相撲道に「至誠一貫」

 正代 本名正代直也、熊本県出身、時津風部屋。東農大2年時の11年に学生横綱となり、14年春場所に前相撲で初土俵。16年初場所新入幕。17年初場所で関脇に昇進して新三役。20年秋場所を制し、熊本から初の優勝力士となった。三賞は殊勲1回、敢闘6回。金星1個。184センチ、170キロ。28歳。得意は右四つ、寄り。(2020/09/30-09:33)

2020.09.30 09:33Nation

Shodai Promoted to 2nd-Highest Sumo Rank of Ozeki

The Japan Sumo Association unanimously decided Wednesday to promote sekiwake Shodai to the second-highest rank of ozeki for the November grand sumo tournament.
   Representing the association, director Kagamiyama and stablemaster Tatekawa visited the Tokitsukaze stable, to which the 28-year-old wrestler belongs, in Tokyo's Sumida Ward to inform him of the promotion.
   "In order to live up to (expectations linked to) the title of ozeki, I will push forward with sumo with a spirit of staying sincere to the very end," Shodai said to the messengers. Stablemaster Edagawa, who belongs to the stable as a coach, joined the occasion on behalf of stablemaster Tokitsukaze, who has suffered an acute disease.
   Shodai is the second wrestler to become a new ozeki this year, following Asanoyama, who clinched the position after the March tournament.
   As a wrestler born in Kumamoto Prefecture, southwestern Japan, Shodai reached the ozeki rank for the first time in 58 years since Tochihikari in 1962.


