2024.09.21 21:55Nation

次世代車生産で協力 共同声明を採択―日ASEAN経済相会合


2024.09.21 21:55Nation

Japan, ASEAN to Cooperate to Build Next-Generation Vehicles

Japan and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have adopted a joint statement affirming an action plan for regional cooperation in production of next-generation vehicles, including electric vehicles, to help realize decarbonization.
   The statement, approved at a meeting of their economic ministers in Laos on Saturday, also said the two sides "reaffirmed their commitment to further enhance economic integration and cooperation, particularly in the areas of digital transformation and sustainability, to...strengthen the supply chain resiliency."
   To ASEAN, Japan proposed the creation of a road map for cooperation in enhancing productivity with artificial intelligence technology and promoting safe use of the AI technology.


