2020.09.29 20:32Nation

デジタル化関連に141億円 戸籍連携システム整備―法務省概算要求


2020.09.29 20:32Nation

Japan Justice Min. to Seek 14.1 B. Yen for Digitalization

Japan's Justice Ministry said Tuesday it will seek 14,178 million yen for measures to digitalize administrative procedures in its budget request for fiscal 2021.
   The ministry's budget request will total 836.3 billion yen for the year from next April, up 6 pct from the previous year's initial budget.
   Of the funds sought for the digitalization, 7.2 billion yen will go to measures to increase the use of the My Number social security and taxation identification card in administrative work related to the family register system.
   Among the measures is a project to build a family register information sharing system, which will make it unnecessary to submit family register certificates when registering marriage and applying for social security services.
   The ministry aims to build the system by fiscal 2023 in time for the planned enforcement of the revised family register law.


