2020.09.29 12:22Nation

東京発着旅行、10月追加 地域クーポン10万店登録―GoTo

 政府の観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」に関し、赤羽一嘉国土交通相は29日の閣議後記者会見で、東京都発着の旅行を10月1日から予定通り支援対象に追加すると発表した。旅先の買い物や飲食に使える「地域共通クーポン」の利用も同時に始まる。赤羽氏は全国約10万店でクーポンが使えることも明らかにした。

2020.09.29 12:22Nation

Tokyo to Join Go To Travel Program from Thurs. as Planned

The Japanese government will include trips to and from Tokyo in its Go To Travel tourism promotion program from Thursday as planned, tourism minister Kazuyoshi Akaba said Tuesday.
   The program to boost tourism demand, dampened by the novel coronavirus crisis, through state-subsidized incentives started in July, covering all domestic trips excluding those to and from Tokyo. It provides discounts equivalent to 35 pct of the travel costs.
   The government is also set to start the program's coupon scheme from Thursday. Under the scheme, coupons worth 15 pct of the travel expenditures will be issued for use at souvenir shops, eateries and other stores at travel destinations.
   At present, some 100,000 stores across the country are ready to accept the use of coupons, Akaba told a press conference.
   The number is expected to increase, with the government still accepting applications from stores hoping to participate in the coupon scheme.


