2020.09.29 08:33Nation

優良運転講習オンラインで 行政デジタル化、試行へ―コロナ対策にも・警察庁


2020.09.29 08:33Nation

Some Driver's License Renewals to Go Online in Japan

Japan's National Police Agency plans to conduct a lecture for certain driver's license renewals online as part of the government's push to digitalize administrative procedures and as a way to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, agency officials said Tuesday.
   The agency will introduce the online lecture for so-called "excellent drivers," who have held a license for five or more continuous years and have no records of traffic violations nor accidents. Such drivers are also called "gold license drivers" due to the color of their five-year licenses.
   The NPA plans to begin the initiative on a trial basis in the next fiscal year or later at one model police headquarters.
   It will determine whether to expand the scheme nationwide after seeing the results of the trial.
   The agency included some 3.8 billion yen for digitalizing police duties and promoting remote working, including expenses for the online lecture, in its budget request for fiscal 2021.


