2020.09.26 13:31Nation

おせち商戦、巣ごもり狙う 取り分け不要、海外気分も―百貨店


2020.09.26 13:31Nation

Dept. Stores Adapt "Osechi" New Year's Dishes for Virus Crisis

Department stores around Japan have begun accepting reservations for "osechi" traditional Japanese cuisine for the New Year's celebrations, this time adapting their products to meet the unique demands in the novel coronavirus era.
   Some will sell osechi boxes whose contents are divided into small portions beforehand so as to reduce the risk of possible coronavirus infection.
   Sogo & Seibu Co., a unit of Seven & i Holdings Co. , will offer an osechi product with the contents placed in individual cups for sanitary purposes. A total of 50 items of both Japanese and Western cuisine are packed into two layers of osechi boxes. It is priced at 29,160 yen.
   J. Front Retailing Co. , which runs Daimaru and Matsuzakaya stores, will offer a variety of osechi products that can be sent to relatives living in regional areas and eaten by a small number of people.
   While osechi is usually eaten at large family gatherings, the smaller products from the company are geared for people who cannot attend such gatherings because of the novel coronavirus epidemic. Prices range from around 10,000 yen to over 20,000 yen.


