2020.09.25 20:58Nation

「GoToイベント」来月から 「分散型旅行」浸透を―政府分科会

 政府は25日、有識者による新型コロナウイルス感染症対策分科会(会長・尾身茂地域医療機能推進機構理事長)を東京都内で開いた。新型コロナの感染拡大で打撃を受けたイベント事業を支援する「Go To イベント」について、分科会は10月中旬から順次開始する政府の方針を了承した。ワクチン接種に関しては、市町村を実施主体とする方向を打ち出した。
 「Go To イベント」は、コンサートやスポーツなどのチケット代を割り引きで購入できるようにし、需要を喚起する内容。政府は今月19日にイベント参加の人数制限を緩和。プロスポーツは数万人程度の集客が可能となっており、経済・社会活動再開へてこ入れを強めている。(2020/09/25-20:58)

2020.09.25 20:58Nation

Japan to Start "Go To Event" Campaign in Mid-Oct.

The Japanese government's novel coronavirus subcommittee, at a meeting Friday, gave the nod to the start in mid-October of the "Go To Event" campaign aimed at supporting pandemic-battered public events.
   In the program, ticket prices to various events, including concerts, sports games, movies and performing arts, and admission fees for, among others, museums and amusement parks will be discounted to spur demand. Coupons for goods sold at event sites will be issued.
   The approval of the experts' panel came after the government eased on Saturday restrictions on the number of people that can attend public events in an effort to revitalize economic and social activities. The move has allowed tens of thousands of fans to go to professional baseball and soccer games, the most popular sports events in the country, per day.
   Simultaneously with the event promotional program, the government is looking to launch another Go To campaign to assist retailers and other relatively small businesses located along shopping streets. On the plan, government officials asked the subcommittee for its opinion at the meeting.
   The subcommittee also compiled an interim report on coronavirus vaccination procedures.


