2020.09.25 17:28Nation

地方テレワーク推進で交付金 一極集中是正へ21年度創設―内閣府など


2020.09.25 17:28Nation

Japan to Subsidize Push for Teleworking from Rural Areas

The Japanese government plans to begin offering grants to municipalities that promote teleworking as a regional revitalization measure from fiscal 2021, it was learned Friday.
   The Cabinet Office and the Cabinet Secretariat are expected to earmark 15 billion yen for the subsidy in their budget requests for the fiscal year from April, informed sources said.
   The increase in the number of people working from home and other remote locations amid the novel coronavirus epidemic has led to a rise of interest in living in rural areas away from densely populated urban centers. The government hopes to support the shift to working from rural areas as a way to correct the concentration of industry and population in Tokyo, the sources said.
   The new grant will be available to all municipalities except Tokyo and the prefectures of Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa, which make up the greater Tokyo metropolis. Under the government's plan, it will cover 75 pct of expenses borne by municipalities for setting up systems to accept satellite offices of companies and shared office spaces.
   The agencies will also ask for 400 million yen for a project to match businesses with municipalities looking to accept branch offices.


