2020.09.25 12:10Nation

行政デジタル化、5年で完成 自治体システム統一―菅首相指示


2020.09.25 12:10Nation

Suga Pushes to Complete Digital Transformation in 5 Years

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga instructed officials Friday to complete the digitization of administrative procedures in five years.
   The government will draw up "a road map for completing digital transformation by the end of fiscal 2025," Suga said at a meeting of a working group on the digitization of administrative procedures.
   The road map is scheduled for release later this year.
   Suga also expressed his intention to unify administrative systems that differ among local governments by fiscal 2025, which ends in March 2026.
   "It's essential to ensure that people receive the same services even if they move and that we swiftly provide benefits to all residents nationwide," Suga said.


