2020.09.25 10:40Nation

不妊治療助成、上積み要求 総額は過去最大33兆円―厚労省


2020.09.25 10:40Nation

Health Ministry to Seek More Funds to Help Infertility Care

Japan's Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry said Friday it will seek additional funding from the government to boost subsidies for couples taking infertility treatment in its budget request for fiscal 2021.
   The ministry earmarked 15.1 billion yen in such spending in the initial budget for fiscal 2020. The ministry will soon decide how much it will demand for the new year from April.
   The ministry said it plans to seek a record 32,989.5 billion yen in its general-account budget request for fiscal 2021, up by 3.4 billion yen from the previous year's initial budget.
   On Friday, the ministry briefed the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's Health, Labor and Welfare Division on the budget request.
   Meanwhile, the ministry did not specify the amounts of its funding requests for many measures to fight the novel coronavirus. It plans to decide the amounts during the budget compilation process.


