2020.09.24 12:52Nation

日韓「極めて重要な隣国」 元徴用工、適切対応を要求―菅首相が文大統領と電話会談


2020.09.24 12:52Nation

Suga Calls Japan, S. Korea Extremely Important Neighbors

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Thursday that their countries are extremely important neighbors to each other.
   "Japan and South Korea are extremely significant neighboring countries," Suga said in his first telephone talks with Moon since he took office last week.
   During the talks, Suga stressed the significance of bilateral coordination between Japan and South Korea and trilateral cooperation among the two plus the United States for tackling a range of issues including one that involves North Korea.
   On a wartime labor feud and other issues pending between Japan and South Korea, Suga said, "We mustn't leave bilateral relations, which are currently in a very tough situation, as they are."
   Speaking to reporters after the phone talks, Suga suggested that his government will take a firm attitude toward South Korea, as the government of his immediate predecessor, Shinzo Abe, did. "We'll continue to strongly urge South Korea to take appropriate action, on the basis of our country's consistent stance," Suga said.


