2020.09.23 07:07Nation

コロナ雇い止め外国人苦境 短期契約、立場危うく―非正規ユニオンに次々


2020.09.23 07:07Nation

Foreign Workers in Coronavirus Predicament Seeking Way Out

An increasing number of foreign workers in Japan, mostly under fixed-term employment contracts, are crying for help after losing their jobs amid the coronavirus crisis.
   Workers from foreign countries see the situation surrounding their employment getting tougher due to the pandemic, which had eliminated more than 50,000 jobs for them as of the end of August.
   In Aichi Prefecture, home to the Japanese automobile industry, for instance, a number of auto parts suppliers have been severely hit by sharp drops in orders due to slumping vehicle sales worldwide due to the coronavirus pandemic and started to terminate contracts with workers with foreign nationals, notably Japanese Brazilians.
   The central prefecture has the second largest foreign population in Japan after Tokyo, including some 62,000 people from Brazil, or one-third of Brazilians living in the country, as of the end of 2019.
   Facing the tough employment situation, also brought on by U.S.-China trade disputes, nearly 100 workers, mainly foreigners, newly became members of the Nagoya Fureai Union over the past year for having collective bargaining with their employers.


