2020.09.23 12:16Nation

臨時国会召集「来月23日か26日」 菅首相、初の所信表明―自民幹部


2020.09.23 12:16Nation

Extra Diet Session Likely to Be Convened on Oct. 23 or 26

An extraordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, in which new Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga will give his first policy speech as national leader, is expected to be convened on Oct. 23 or 26, a ruling Liberal Democratic Party executive said Wednesday.
   The extra Diet session is likely to be held for about 50 days, until early December, according to the executive.
   The LDP-led ruling bloc and the opposition camp will engage in a full-scale battle of words, with question-and-answer sessions for Suga's speech and meetings of the budget committees of both Diet chambers set to be held during the period.
   On Wednesday morning, Suga met with LDP Diet affairs chief Hiroshi Moriyama and Acting Secretary-General Motoo Hayashi at a Tokyo hotel, apparently to exchange opinions on the schedule for the extra Diet session.
   During the session, the government and ruling camp aim to ratify Japan's new trade agreement with Britain.


