2020.09.22 07:08Nation

インフル、昨年の1000分の1 コロナ対策奏功か―厚労省「手洗い徹底続けて」


2020.09.22 07:08Nation

Number of Influenza Patients in Japan Remains Very Low

The number of influenza patients in Japan this year remains at an unusually low level, which health ministry officials attribute to measures to prevent infection with the novel coronavirus, such as washing hands and wearing face masks.
   According to the ministry, only seven influenza cases were reported in the two weeks to Sept. 13. The figure is less than one-1,000th of the year-before total and about one-100th of the average-year level.
   In September every year, the ministry starts disclosing the number of influenza patients following reports from about 5,000 medical institutions across Japan.
   This year, the number came to three in the week to Sept. 6 and four in the following week. There were two patients in Chiba Prefecture, and one each in Gifu, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo and Okinawa prefectures.
   By contrast, the number stood at 3,813 in the first week of September last year and 5,738 in the second week for a total of 9,551, reflecting an outbreak in Okinawa Prefecture. In usual years, the total in the period stands at several hundred to 2,000.


