2020.09.22 07:08Nation

中小基本法、見直し着手 生産性向上へ再編促進―企業淘汰の懸念も


2020.09.22 07:08Nation

Japan Reviewing Definition of Small Firms for Realignment

The government of Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga will review the basic act on small and medium-sized enterprises to change the definition of such businesses in efforts to spur industry realignment.
   The change is also aimed at encouraging such companies to enhance productivity and raise minimum wages, government officials said.
   But hasty moves to redefine small and midsize companies, which are eligible for preferential tax treatment and subsidies, would cost them such benefits and may force some companies out of business, some officials warned.
   Small and midsize businesses account for 99.7 pct of all Japanese companies. The 1963 law has the definition of such businesses for each industry sector. In the manufacturing industry, for instance, such businesses are defined as those capitalized at 300 million yen or less or with a workforce of up to 300.
   Since companies that meet the definitions are eligible for preferential tax treatment, they are reluctant to boost their business scale, some analysts said, adding that changing the definitions may prompt industry realignment.


