2020.08.25 20:07Nation

学級の少人数化議論 コロナ禍の学びでWG―教育再生会議


2020.08.25 20:07Nation

Japan Govt Panel Calls for Fewer Students per Class

Members of a Japanese government panel on rebuilding education at a meeting on Tuesday called for reducing the number of students in a class in elementary and junior high schools as part of measures to cut the risk of novel coronavirus infection.
   The panel, chaired by Kaoru Kamata, former president of Waseda University, decided to hold further discussions on the move at a working group set up under the council.
   "What is most important is to ensure education for each and every student in the post-coronavirus period," Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said at the start of the meeting. "We need to consider again the teaching system for a small number of students."
   Elementary and junior high schools in Japan usually basically put 40 students in one class. One member of the council said that the number of students per class should be under 30.
   "A single teacher can look after 30 to 35 students better than for 40 students," education minister Koichi Hagiuda told a press conference after the meeting.


