2020.08.25 07:05Nation

米欧ファンドが対日投資強化 コロナ禍、再編視野


2020.08.25 07:05Nation

European, U.S. Funds Stepping Up "Japan Buying" amid Virus Crisis

Major European and U.S. investment funds are boosting acquisitions of stakes in Japanese companies in anticipation for full-fledged industrial realignment in the country amid the coronavirus crisis.
   Hiroyuki Otsuka, deputy head for U.S. investment firm Carlyle Group Inc.'s operations in Japan, predicted that more and more firms will sell non-core operations as the crisis "should accelerate moves for change, such as digitization."
   Carlyle, which has been focusing on midsize Japanese firms, aims to invest hundreds of billions of yen in conglomerates this year, particularly seeking deals to acquire their subsidiaries and operations.
   Even in the coronavirus-battered restaurant and tourism industries, the fund "will offer assistance if firms with good management resources are found," Otsuka noted.
   Blackstone Group Inc. of the United States plans to pour some 100 billion yen in Japan each year.


