2020.08.07 20:32Nation

GSOMIAカード封印か 表向きは「いつでも終了」―韓国


2020.08.07 20:32Nation

GSOMIA No Longer Leverage in Japan-S. Korea Row

The possibility of using withdrawal from a military intelligence-sharing accord with Japan as leverage for negotiations seems no longer in the cards for South Korea as the rift between the East Asian neighbors widens.
   Seoul threatened to scrap the General Security of Military Information Agreement, or GSOMIA, with Japan last year, and has since taken the stance that it could end the pact at any time. However, it is unlikely that South Korea will take that option, as there is strong pressure from the United States for it not to do so.
   GSOMIA runs for a year and is automatically renewed on Nov. 23 unless either side declares withdrawal by Aug. 24 that year. South Korea gave notice in late August last year that it would scrap the accord, as a retaliatory measure against Japan's tightening of export controls against the country. It later suspended the notice on Nov. 22 under strong U.S. pressure, averting an actual pullout from the agreement at the last minute.
   A South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Aug. 4 that the country could end the agreement at any time, and that the concept of annual extensions no longer applies.
   The stance suggests that Seoul believes there is no need for special actions when issuing a notice of its intentions in respect of GSOMIA or when the renewal deadline approaches.


