2020.08.08 07:25Nation

核廃絶「全ての人の問題」 被爆者運動、懸けた半世紀―日本被団協の田中代表委員


2020.08.08 07:25Nation

Hibakusha Group Leader Calls Nuclear Abolition Universal Issue

Eliminating nuclear weapons is a challenge all humankind is facing, leader of the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations, or Nihon Hidankyo, has said, recalling his activities over the last half-century.
   "The abolition of nuclear weapons is no longer a problem only for hibakusha atomic bomb survivors, but is for all people living on the globe," Terumi Tanaka, 88, co-chairman of Nihon Hidankyo, said.
   With this year marking the 75th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Tanaka is renewing his determination to devote himself to efforts for eliminating nuclear weapons while many colleague hibakusha have passed away.
   In the milestone anniversary, activities by aging Nihon Hidankyo members have been hampered by the novel coronavirus pandemic. The group gave up its plan to send some 30 hibakusha to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference at the United Nations, which has been postponed.
   Still, Tanaka is actively working for his mission, accepting media interviews and attending memorial ceremonies. "I have been working on nuclear abolition for 75 years," he said, adding that a hiatus of six months or a year is "nothing."


