2020.08.07 21:57Nation

病床使用率、5都県で4割超 新型コロナ、沖縄は85%―厚労省まとめ


2020.08.07 21:57Nation

COVID-19 Bed Occupancy Rate Tops 40 Pct in Tokyo, 4 Others

Patients of the COVID-19 disease from the novel coronavirus occupied more than 40 pct of hospital beds prepared for such people as of Wednesday in Tokyo and four other prefectures in Japan, the health ministry said Friday.
   The occupancy rate was highest in the southernmost prefecture of Okinawa, at 85.1 pct, with 206 of the 242 beds secured by the prefecture in use as of Wednesday. The rate stood at 43.6 pct in Saitama Prefecture, north of Tokyo, 42.9 pct in Tokyo, 51.1 pct in the western prefecture of Shiga, and 54.9 pct in the southwestern prefecture of Fukuoka.
   A week before, the rate stood above 40 pct in only two prefectures--Saitama, at 40.4 pct, and Osaka, western Japan, at 42.5 pct.
   As of Wednesday, the occupancy rate for hospital beds for severely ill COVID-19 patients stood at 3.1 pct in Saitama, 5.5 pct in Tokyo, 18.3 pct in Fukuoka and 20.0 pct in Okinawa.
   The number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients as of Wednesday grew by 1,082 from a week earlier to 5,116 across the nation, with 117 of them in serious condition, up by 25.


