2020.08.07 18:18Nation

森元首相ら、9日に台湾訪問 李登輝氏の弔問で


2020.08.07 18:18Nation

Japan Mission to Mourn Ex-President Lee in Taiwan

A mission of Japanese lawmakers headed by former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori will make a one-day visit to Taiwan on Sunday to mourn former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui.
   The mission will be sent from a bipartisan lawmakers group for promoting relations between Japan and Taiwan, Keiji Furuya, chairman of the group, told a press conference on Friday.
   Mori will visit Taiwan "effectively on behalf of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe," said Furuya, a member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
   A meeting with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen is also being arranged.
   The mission will use a chartered flight to reduce risks of coronavirus infection and will avoid contact with other people as much as possible.


