2020.08.07 12:17Nation

入院患者の死亡率7.5% 新型コロナ、欧米は2割超―国際医療センター


2020.08.07 12:17Nation

Japan COVID-19 Mortality at 7.5 Pct for Hospitalized Patients

The death rate stood at 7.5 pct among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Japan, the National Center for Global Health and Medicine said Friday.
   The center released the result of its analysis of data on some 2,600 hospitalized novel coronavirus patients at 227 facilities across the country, recorded by July 7.
   The mortality was far lower than 21 pct to 28 pct reported in Britain, the United State and China.
   As possible reasons for the result, the center cited a small number of hospitalized patients at high risk of developing severe symptoms and a low proportion of patients with underlying conditions, such as obesity and diabetes.
   The center said it will analyze the data further.


