2020.08.07 08:45Nation

米軍15施設でドローン禁止 岩国・名護、水域も指定


2020.08.07 08:45Nation

Drones to Be Banned over 15 U.S. Military Facilities in Japan

The Japanese Defense Ministry said Friday drones will be banned from flying over 15 facilities of the U.S. forces in Japan, including major command headquarters, air and sea ports, under the revised drone regulation law.
   It is the first time for the drone flight ban to cover a U.S. military base.
   Of the 15 facilities, the Marine Corps' Iwakuni base in Yamaguchi Prefecture, western Japan, and the Camp Schwab in the southernmost prefecture of Okinawa, also a Marine Corps base, will have not only the base facilities but also adjacent waters covered by the ban.
   The law banning drones from flying over important facilities was revised last year as part of the Japanese government's efforts to strengthen crackdowns on terrorism.
   After a month-long get-acquainted period, people will be banned from flying drones over the U.S. facilities as well as within 300 meters from them. Offenders may face penalties of up to one year in jail or a fine of up to 500,000 yen.


