2020.08.07 13:34Nation

軽症、無症者間で感染継続か 新型コロナ一時収束後も―感染研


2020.08.07 13:34Nation

COVID-19 May Have Spread among No-Symptom Carriers in Japan

Japan's National Institute of Infectious Diseases has said in a study report that the novel coronavirus may have continued to spread unnoticed among carriers with mild or no symptoms in Japan after the outbreak from March to April receded once.
   The recently released study report suggested that such phenomenon may have led to a resurgence of COVOD-19 infections in Japan in and after June, when the country resumed its economic activities.
   In the study that ran through July 16, the institute collected the new coronavirus from some 3,700 patients in Japan and analyzed the genome sequence.
   As a virus undergoes mutations in the course of infections, the institute deduced how COVID-19 spread in Japan by looking at how the virus changed.
   The genome analysis found that the so-called European type of the new coronavirus spread widely in Japan in and after March but its outbreak waned in late May thanks to infection prevention measures.


